Courant Number Calculator for CFD

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Courant Number Calculator

Courant Number Calculator

Courant Number Formula

For a given grid cell, the Courant number CFL is defined as:



  • U is the fluid velocity (or characteristic speed of the flow).
  • Δt is the time step used in the simulation.
  • Δx is the spatial grid size or cell width.

The Courant number (often denoted as CFL for Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number) is a crucial concept in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and numerical simulations of partial differential equations. It helps in determining the stability and accuracy of numerical schemes used for solving fluid flow equations. Here’s an overview of the Courant number and its significance:


The Courant number is a dimensionless number that measures the ratio of the physical time step to the time required for a fluid particle to travel a distance equal to the grid spacing. It essentially evaluates how much of the physical domain a fluid particle can advance in one time step relative to the grid resolution.

Importance and Implications

  1. Stability:
    • The Courant number is used to ensure the stability of explicit time-stepping schemes in numerical methods. For many explicit methods (like Forward Euler), a CFL number greater than 1 can lead to numerical instability, causing the solution to diverge or become inaccurate.
    • In general, to ensure stability, the CFL number should be less than or equal to 1. However, in practice, a CFL number significantly smaller than 1 (e.g., 0.1 to 0.5) is often used to enhance stability and accuracy.
  2. Accuracy:
    • The choice of time step Δt and spatial grid size Δx affects the Courant number and, consequently, the accuracy of the simulation. A larger CFL number might lead to larger time steps but at the risk of reduced accuracy or stability.
  3. Adaptive Time Stepping:
    • In simulations with varying flow speeds or grid resolutions, adaptive time-stepping algorithms adjust Δt to keep the CFL number within acceptable limits, thus maintaining stability and accuracy throughout the simulation.
  4. Mesh and Solver Design:
    • When designing the mesh or choosing numerical solvers, understanding the relationship between velocity, grid spacing, and time step through the CFL number helps in balancing computational cost with the desired accuracy and stability.

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