Shaft Segments
Bearing Locations
Material Properties
Critical Speed
Shaft Layout
Forces Diagram
Bending Moment Diagram
Torque Diagram
Stress Tensor Components
Von Mises Stresses
Maximum Von Mises Stress
Midrange and Alternating Stress
Shaft Deflection
Angle of Twist
How the Calculator Works
This calculator allows users to compute various mechanical properties and visualize results related to shaft mechanics, such as Shear Force Diagrams (SFD), Bending Moment Diagrams (BMD), Torque Diagrams (TD), shaft deflection, angle of twist, and stress criteria. It also calculates the critical speed of the shaft in both radians per second and RPM.
If the page refreshed or closed, the data will refreshed to the default values. You can save and open your data to open your design documentation (only available on Pro version).
Equations Used:
Static Equilibrium:
This calculator assumes the static equilibrium condition to calculate the radial reactions of bearings:
But, bearing assumed to have zero axial reaction, you must add the axial reaction from the force inputs if any.
Deflection and Angle of twist:
This shaft designer assumes a solid cylinder shaft, so it doesnt work for hollow shaft.
Deflection equation:
Angle of twist:
Stress Analysis:
For stress calculation, this calculator use superposition analysis of bending moments, from Y and Z moment, transverse shears, pure tension, and pure torsion for each section. Stress concentrations are ignored in the calculation. You can use stress concentration module to calculate it.
Von mises Stress:
Tresca stress:
Calculated from the maximum shear stress
Critical Speed:
Uses deflection magnitudes and distributed weights to compute critical speed:
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